Rolling mills are becoming more and more important in modern industrial production. As producers and users, we all need to constantly learn about it. This will enable our rolling mill to play a better role. In the case of transportation and storage, we should also protect the rolling mill so as not to affect its performance. Let’s take a look at some related content.
Normally, we need to package the rolling mill before shipping. This is primarily intended to protect against damage during transport. Generally, the machine uses the bulk shipping method. In other words, different parts of the machine need to choose different packaging methods, such as the motor part should be wrapped with plastic cloth to prevent moisture.
At the same time, some exposed parts need to be wrapped as required to prevent damage. In addition, some parts should also be coated with an appropriate amount of anti-rust oil to prevent rust. Besides, we also need to follow some rules in the process of transporting the rolling mill. For example, when loading and unloading, care should be taken and the ropes used should be of sufficient strength.
After the packaging is completed, the various parts of the rolling mill should be fixed before shipping. If necessary, soft protectors should also be used to protect against shock or vibration during transport. Of course, it is best to maintain a uniform speed during driving.
Finally, we need to remind you that when the mill arrives at the destination, the user should do a good job of checking. If there is any mistake, the cause should be found out in time. After the rolling mill is taken out, it shall be placed in a ventilated and dry room to prevent rust damage.
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