The steel rolling mill machine is the main equipment for completing metal rolling deformation, and it is the key device to represent the production technology level of the workshop and different from other workshop types. Therefore, whether the selection of the steel rolling mill machine is reasonable has a very important impact on the production of the workshop.
The main basis for the selection of the steel rolling mill machine are the steel grade, the product variety, and specifications of the steel produced in the workshop, the size of the production scale and the production process. For the process design of the rolling mill, the main contents of the selection of the steel rolling mill machine are: determining the structural type of the rolling mill, determining its main technical parameters, selecting the number of rolling mills and the method of laying. When choosing the steel rolling mill machine, you should generally consider the following principles:
- Under the premise of satisfying the product plan, the rolling mill has a reasonable composition and a compact arrangement;
- Have a relatively high production efficiency and equipment utilization coefficient;
- Ensure that products of good quality are obtained, taking into account the possibility of producing new products;
- It is conducive to the realization of the mechanization and automation of the rolling mill and contributes to the improvement of the working conditions of the workers;
- The structure of the rolling mill is advanced and reasonable, easy to manufacture, simple in operation and convenient in maintenance;
- It is easy to replace spare parts and facilitate the standardization of spare parts;
- Have good comprehensive technical and economic indicators.
In fact, due to the wide variety of rolling products and the wide range of products, the deformation characteristics of the products vary greatly during the rolling process. Therefore, different products have different requirements for different rolling mills.
For example, in addition to ensuring the necessary precision for large-scale blanking machines, large-scale section steel rolling mills, and heavy plate rolling mills, the main requirement is to have sufficient strength to ensure large deformation of the rolled products. For plate steel mills, tube steel mills, small and wire mills, in addition to requiring a certain degree of strength, sufficient rigidity is required to ensure the correct geometry and size of these rolled products.
Therefore, in addition to following the above general principles when selecting the steel rolling mill machine, the structural type, main technical parameters and their arrangement of the rolling mill should be determined according to the production requirements of the products and the specific requirements.
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